Saturday 13 December 2014

Memory in Stitches

As December dashes towards its finale, in north western Europe our days grow short and dark. Communities across the continent banish the gloom with illuminations, folklore and urbane festivities.

In our house, it is time for the Christmas tree to requisition its corner of the living room. Each year, when  the New Year impatiently awaits its entrance, our tree makes us look back in time to remember friends, family and holidays passed.

Long ago, we started collecting handmade ornaments. Initially, there were the wooden carved figures from Germany. Next came the straw and blown-glass decorations. Over the years, friends sent hand-embroidered ornaments  that they had made especially for us. We treasure them because they are beautiful and, as an embroiderer, I know the time and dedication that went into them. (Yes, I made ornaments for friends, too) 

Thoughtful guests from abroad frequently brought ornaments that would remind us of their visit. Family added to the collection as they travelled. So now, we have a memory tree. It prompts us to count our blessings, recollect vacations, happenings, and happy times with people far away or, sadly, no longer with us.

This past year I have another memory to add, but I am not sure how to put it onto our tree. I have blogged almost a year now. It seems that there are many out there who find what I have to say worth their time.  I hope in the coming year I can continue to amuse you. (Google tells me where you are from, but not who you are.) To those of you who have left comments, I extend a particular thank you. 

Until 2015 rushes into our lives, I wish you all a holiday season filled with peace and health, the most precious gifts of all.